Grasshopper – Parametric Modeling 1


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2 different ways of defining “Cylinder”

The workflow diagram is called “definition” in Grasshopper. This means the workflow diagram is defining the possible shape / behavior of an object in geometric ways (in contrast to the linguistic ways in dictionary).


Definitions of cylinder in natural language

Exercise 1: Define “Cone” | answer file

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  • Construct point: make a point at {X, Y, Z}
  • Circle: draw a circle with the radius of {R} at {P}
  • Extrude point: extrude {B} to the point of {P}
  • Line: draw line from {A} to {B}
  • Revolution: make a surface of revolution with {P} as a section, {A} as an axis, and {D} as the rotation degree



Exercise 2: Define “Vase” | answer file

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  • Polygon: draw polygon at {P} with the outer radius of {R}, {S} segments, and the fillet radius of {Rf}
  • Boundary surface: make surface filling the planar curve of {E}
  • Move: move {G} to the direction of {T}
  • Scale: scale {G} with {C} as the scaling center and {F} as a factor
  • Rotate: rotate {G} with {P} as the rotation center and {A} as a rotation angle
  • Loft: make a surface which goes through the list of curves of {C}
  • Join: connect list of Brepses of {B} and make combined Brep
  • Unit Z: make Z-vector with the length of {F}
  • Multiplication: output {A} * {B}
  • Division: output {A} / {B}
  • Subtraction: output {A} – {B}
  • Negative: output – {x}
  • Radians: convert degrees of {D} to radians

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