Processing Practice #02 | Text Processing
- Functions
- Import
- Export
- Practice
- <text>charAt(<n>) – find<n>th character in <text>
- <text>.length – find the length of <text>
- split(<text to split>,<separator>) – split <text to split> with <separator>
- join(<list of texts>,<separator>) – join <list of texts> with <separator>
- <text to search>.indexOf(<character>) – find <character> from <text to search> It returns index of character, if it’s not found, it returns “-1”
- match(<text>, <header>+”{.*?}”+<footer>) – find sub texts between <header> and <footer> in <text>
- trim(<text>) – delete whitespace in <text>
You can import txt file with following code:
String[] strings = loadStrings("textfile.txt");
You can export txt file with following code:
saveStrings("textfile.txt", strings);
Send/Receive multiple points
import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 osc; NetAddress location; ArrayList<PVector> mp, yp; void setup() { size(500, 500); frameRate(25); //strokeWeight(10); osc = new OscP5(this, 12007); location = new NetAddress("", 12000); mp = new ArrayList<PVector>(); yp = new ArrayList<PVector>(); } void draw() { background(127); stroke(0); fill(0, 100); beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<mp.size (); i++) { ellipse(mp.get(i).x, mp.get(i).y, 10, 10); vertex(mp.get(i).x, mp.get(i).y); } endShape(); stroke(255); fill(255, 100); beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<yp.size (); i++) { ellipse(yp.get(i).x, yp.get(i).y, 10, 10); vertex(yp.get(i).x, yp.get(i).y); } endShape(); OscMessage m = new OscMessage("/pos"); String[] poses = new String[mp.size()]; for (int i=0; i<mp.size (); i++) { poses[i] = str(mp.get(i).x)+","+str(mp.get(i).y); } m.add(join(poses,"/")); osc.send(m, location); } void mousePressed() { if (mouseButton == CENTER) { mp.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY)); } } void keyPressed() { if (key == 'd') { mp = new ArrayList<PVector>(); } } void oscEvent(OscMessage m) { print(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern()); println(" typetag: "+m.typetag()); if (m.checkAddrPattern("/pos")==true) { String message = m.get(0).stringValue(); String[] messages = message.split("/"); yp = new ArrayList<PVector>(); for (int i=0; i<messages.length; i++) { String[] pos = messages[i].split(","); yp.add(new PVector(int(pos[0]), int(pos[1]))); } } }